Get Model Match for free

Love Model Match and want to spread the word? We'll give you a personal link to share via text, email, or social media, then reward you for every referral that becomes a customer.
woman in blue dress shirt and blue denim jeans standing beside brown wooden chairby Daria PimkinaArrow

How to refer a friend to Model Match

Referring your friends to Model Match is super easy!

Generate your link

Jump into your account, click "Refer a Friend", and generate your personal link.

Send an invite to friends or share with your network

Type in your friend's email address and shoot them an invite via email or post your personal link on your social media profile and other channels.

Get rewarded

We will give you $25 for every sign up that you get! As a bonus, your friends will also get $25 off when they sign up.

Who can create a referral link?

There is no greater compliment than a referral and so long as you have a Model Match account, no matter the package, you can create a personal referral link.
No applications, no approval process. Our referral program to any and all!
Dashboard mockup
Do I need to apply to generate a referral link?
Nope! You can generate your referral link from your account and start referring your friends - no application needed!
How do I receive rewards when I get a sign up?
We will apply the $25 credit towards your next monthly invoice automatically! The more sign ups you get the more credits are applied to your account - keep it up and you can get Model Match completely free.
How do I know when someone I referred signs up?
Any time someone you referred to Model Match signs up we will send you an email letting you know!
Does my referral link ever expire?
Nope! You can have confidence that you won't need to update your link at anytime!
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